Don't Wish for Less Problems, Wish for More Skills.

- Jim Rohn

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brussels: Here I Come!

So, this Spring, I'm going to study abroad in Brussels, Belgium. I will be there from January to May. The program is a fast track business program. I will be taking a law, finance, public speaking, and a French course. Hopefully I'll be able to travel to Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, France, and of course Belgium. Can't Wait!

The picture above is La Grand Place, the main square in Brussels


  1. That's so exciting!!! You're going to have so much fun!!!

  2. So exciting! This is going to a great, great adventure.

  3. I'm pretty jealous... can't wait to hear about the escapades!

  4. That's great man. Glad to hear that you arrived safely!!! You'll be in my prayers

  5. Oh so you're already over there? That's great.

  6. Nils! I know you're going to make the most of this trip! You're missed dearly back in Clemson!

  7. Fun fact the architect of that building thought everyone hated his design and threw himself off the top of the building before its public revealing. However, it turns out everyone liked it. Ironic.
