Don't Wish for Less Problems, Wish for More Skills.

- Jim Rohn

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Fine! Belgium Train Wreck

To All,

If you have not heard yet, there was a severe train wreck right outside of Brussels yesterday morning. 18 people were killed and several others were hurt. Fortunately, I was not on the train. I flew back from Prague yesterday afternoon into Charleroi-Sud Airport. I had scheduled to take the train back into Brussels. But, I was supposed to take the same line that crashed. I gladly jumped on a bus knowing I made it one more day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nils ! I asked your mom about your safety when I heard the news of the train crash - - So glad you were safe and not involved in any way.
    How did you like Prague? I was there in 2001 and thought it was the most beautiful place.
    We are all thinking of you !

    Love, Aunt Kristen and Uncle Ron
